Saturday, September 8, 2007

Simply, a thank you.

At first turning 23 didn't seem like much of a deal. I mean, what's a plus one on top of all that existing years right? Wrong.

People age and yet they remain none the wiser. SO much for maturity. But, what can i say, growing old isn't always the key to wisdom eh? This birthday shed light on more than a couple of things. Not so much wiser, but enlightened.

Last night was, in a word, wonderful. Having the closest and dearest on a very special occasion makes all the difference. Of course, spending the first few minutes of my birthday in a cab wasn't anything to oohaahh about but how can i complain after my gorgeous celebration!

Thank you my angels, for the oh so yummy chocolate cake from heaven, your company (especially those who had to twist arms and legs and stuff wads of tissue up their noses to be there), and all the love amidst the silliness. Thank you for the two waterfalls and all the shots, the light stick madness at chillies, for confiscating my phone in case i submit to certain drunken er, tendencies and of course sending me home in one piece.

Thank you also for all the wishes, gifts, breakfast (more like brunch since the visit to the temple was postponed to a later time all because your royal highness was too hung over from her stupor: SINNER!), lunch, movie and dinner treats.

I love each and every one of you. And I cannot imagine what it'd be without.


Anonymous said...

glad u had a blast babyy!

i love u tooo much!

Anonymous said...

i love you more. undoubtedly. muahhh.