Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Broken spirits.

I have so much to get off my chest.

Why are humans never content with what we have?
Why do we always turn to God in times of 'need'? Yet shift the blame when nothing seems right?
Why do we not look upon ourselves? How is it that we are never in fault and almost always mounting the burden on another?
Yet the first to take credit for a windfall that chanced upon us?

Why do people make promises they cannot keep?
Forge bonds that are so easily broken?
Shirk responsibilities they are accountable for?

Where is all the humanity and what of it is left?

Shed the tears you've once cried, for there isn't enough love in this world to keep the spark of life ignited.


Anonymous said...

i guess we will never grasp the meaning of life for we human are seeking perfections that dont exist.
tired of it all.

i miss you kams!

Anonymous said...

"The five people you meet in heaven" by Mitch Albom.
If you haven't already, read it if time permits.

I think of humans as pack animals. Constantly in search of producing their own unit. That's possibly why individuals end up seeking a power that they'd like to believe is higher than themselves when they are lost, as if to turn to a leader.

They 'humanise' this power and call it God. There are many things that cannot be explained. How convenient is it to kick back and attribute them to the superior one as his/her doings.

We always look out for something to put to our name. The desire within to be at the top of the pack. The desire to be looked upon as the almighty. And so when something good happens, why not take credit for it and climb the hierarchy ourselves. All the more flash you look isn't it? Another step closer to your own pack.

I don't understand why we should be any different from other species. Maybe we just got carried away with getting fancy. Who cares about compassion and honour when the prize is right before you. The career and dollars, house and car, looks and fashion, everything's towards the path of procreation. Survival of the human race. It doesnt matter how many. Just who comes out tops. Complicated? I think i've taken it a tad far.

Even after saying all this, I still find warmth in believing that there truly is a higher power. It's the comfort of knowing that you're taken care of. And perhaps denial and fear of having to fight for myself and not having someone to hold my hand. Thanksgiving is truly humbling.

I don't know who you are. But you've put down some really personal thoughts. If your blog's meant to be for private, and you don't want randoms reading it and commenting, please let me know and i'll stop.

Anonymous said...

trina: can you please just come back from canada?

raj: 1st things 1st, i'm glad you're not one of those who hide behind anonymity. no one really bothers to give their 2 cents worth unless it's to say something inane, especially a stranger and for the record i bet your thoughts bill more than $2 dollars. AND you don't qualify as a naysayer. :)
and i appreciate it. i try to be rather ambiguous so i don't let on more than i want to and i think i've achieved so thus far, so please go ahead, do me the honour.

yes, i've read the book but i prefer "tuesdays with morrie" in comparison. i've yet to read for "one more day though.

you've got yourself a pretty solid theory there and it pretty much makes a lot of sense. enlightening too if i may add.
if that's wisdom that speaks then you must be very old.


but thank you. no really.

Anonymous said...

wow..u got a blog raj? looks like you got alot to say too...very insightful..yup us humans are nvr satisfied..thats why we always want better..though it can be good or bad..we are flawed but thats what makes of us who we are..don't worry la you'll find what u are looking for someday.. :)