Sunday, June 1, 2008


Looking back, reading my oldest of posts, it suddenly struck me, that everything is no longer what it used to be, and in a span of a year there is nothing but difference. No constants, nothing. Just change staring straight back at me.

I have decided that a 6 month hiatus is one too long (based on very inaccurate mental computation). Penning my thoughts (that mostly of hatred) was a sacred routine in dispelling my negativity. That which I thought to be extremely therapeutic as opposed to the act of drowning my sorrows.
In cessation of a considerable burden (that which it most certainly was at the time or at any given I'm sure), I wonder where else I am to draw inspiration from to keep this thriving. Oh bother.

I once lamented the nature of the very existence of this space where self-absorption once reigned and now I cannot proclaim any difference for narcissism is indeed a muse as much as i hate to admit it. As such I forewarn that this space is for the sole purpose of frivolity and nothing thought invoking or inspiring. I now declare this blog officially reopened! Courtesy of sho-la-migo.

1 comment:

shO said...

frivolity is good!! i look forward to reading it, altho sumthin tells me even ur frivolous posts are gonna require me reading the lines twice to understand you and ur cheem english hahaha yayyy to bloggingggg blabber!!!:)